User Levels


Only registered users can log in with their username and password. What they can do depends on their assigned role (level):

Subscriber (level 0) – Not implemented yet, for future use…

    • After login in, subscribers will see additional content on the website.
    • They can leave comments or likes.

Reviewer (level 1)

    • A reviewer can review posts and pages. He can change the review status and add review comments.
    • He can not make changes to the content.

Proofreader (level 2)

    • A proofreader can review posts and pages. He can change the review status and add review comments.
    • A proofreader can also make edits in the content of existing posts or pages

Author (level 3)

    • + New: An author can add new posts, edit and save them as drafts. He can not publish new posts. He has to submit them for review by an editor who can then publish them.
    • Posts: An author can make changes to existing posts, including posts from other authors. This means that when reviewing posts, he can make (simple) edits directly rather than documenting them in the review notes.
      Note: This includes reviewing and editing Help posts.
    • Pages: An Author can review pages like the home page. He can change the review status and add review comments. He can also make simple edits in the content of pages.
    • Media: An Author can upload media and move content from one folder to another. He cannot manage folders, no rename. no adding or deleting.
    • Advanced mode: An author can use the advanced mode which gives him more options to customize a post.
    • NO Expert mode: An author can not use the Expert mode.

Editor (level 4)

    • An editor can publish everyone’s posts, in particular pending posts awaiting approval and publication.
    • Expert mode: An editor can use the expert mode giving him all the available options to customize a post.
      This includes:

      • Adding a Blocks Section,
      • Choosing the header and footer
      • Adding a left column or bar
      • Adding a right column

Administrator (level 5)

    • This is the highest level reserved for the webmasters.