Adding a Template

To add a new Template, duplicate the existing template closest to the new one you want to make.


The following categories are specifically for templates:

  • CAT-Template: Check
  • CAT-T1, T2, T3 and T4: Check according to the level of the template. E.g. a template for level 3 (editor) and 4 (administrator) will have CAT-T3 and CAT-T4 checked.

Also check the following:

  • CAT-hide-in-related
  • CAT-hide-in-reviewers review list

Topics and Featured

Do not check any Topics or Featured.

Search Exclude

Make sure it is checked as it will not automatically carry over when duplicating a template.


The slug should be template-xxx. E.g. template-article, template-video,…


Make the post Private. This will not automatically carry over from the template you duplicated.


Explain in the excerpt what the template is meant for.

Special instructions

If there are special instruction on how to use this template, you can put them in the Notes under the post Type.


IMPORTANT for templates that do not have Advanced or Expert mode by default!

Make sure the Section Selection (Show sections…) is the same whether Advanced is check or not.

  1. Note what Sections are shown by default without Advanced checked
  2. Check Advanced
  3. Check the Sections that were present before checking Advanced.
  4. Update with Advanced checked
  5. Uncheck Advanced
  6. Update again.