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The Antique Stove at the former Harvard Public Library building, now Fivesparks

The Historical Society’s purchase of an 1894 parlor stove assures its rightful home in Harvard.…
Featured image for “The Antique Stove at the former Harvard Public Library building, now Fivesparks”
Featured image for “The Antique Stove at the former Harvard Public Library building, now Fivesparks”
The Historical Society’s purchase of an 1894 parlor stove assures its rightful home in Harvard.…


In our main building, formerly a Baptist church, we have a large collection of furniture, textiles, paintings, and artifacts, all…
Featured image for “Museum”
Featured image for “Museum”
In our main building, formerly a Baptist church, we have a large collection of furniture, textiles, paintings, and artifacts, all…