Hildreth Second Graders Become Town Historians

Our 20th Annual Program for the Hildreth School

Was on
Thursday June 22, 2023

At the Harvard Common
In June, the Hildreth Elementary School second-graders, their teachers, and some parents came to the Harvard Historical Society’s Meetinghouse and to the Harvard Common to do some hands-on learning about town history.

In June, the second-graders, their teachers, and some parents came to the Harvard Historical Society’s Meetinghouse and to the Harvard Common to do some hands-on learning about town history. Divided into morning and afternoon groups, the children had a chance to go to both locations. The students explored different parts of the Common, studying our historical buildings like Town Hall and landmarks like the Powder House and the Civil War Memorial. Then they met as a large group and shared their discoveries. Each student made a map of the eight structures on the Common.

At the Meetinghouse, the children all had a chance to dress up as important historical citizens of the town and tell each other about their lives; find out how streets in town got their names; and learn about how people lived in a time without electricity and running water.

This was the 20th annual program we have provided for the elementary school. Each year high school seniors interested in history have opportunities to do their Community Service hours at  HHS. The Society also sponsors a scholarship for students interested in studying history in college.