Presidential Pops 2024

A Musical Program

Was on
Wednesday October 23, 2024

At the Harvard Historical Society, 215 Still River Road, Harvard MA 01451
The Harvard Historical Society celebrates a presidential election year with a musical program that’s all about presidents and nothing about politics.

55 minutes
Thanks to HMC for recording this event.

With a reprise of its 2016 musical, “Presidential Pops,” the Harvard Historical Society celebrates a presidential election year with a musical program that’s all about presidents and nothing about politics. After rousing numbers from a marching band, the office of president is toasted in campaign songs like Harry Truman’s “I’m Just Wild About Harry” and JFK’s “High Hopes, and a number by Mozart pays tribute to Lincoln and his love of opera.

A historical master of ceremonies will relate presidential lore and show how presidents influenced the musical taste of their times. Music is performed by local musicians and singers, most of whose talents will be familiar because of their appearances in previous musical productions.

“It will be fun,” promises the show’s creator, HHS board member and flutist Claire Rindenello.