Unitarian Church Fire December 13, 1964
Once again, the church at the top of the Common was ablaze. Firefighters tried valiantly to save the building. Fires have shaped the town’s beautiful center.
Once again, the church at the top of the Common was ablaze. Firefighters tried valiantly to save the building. Fires have shaped the town’s beautiful center.
On Monday, August 26, the Harvard Historical Society celebrated the successful completion of a major restoration project with the installation of a newly reconstructed balustrade atop the belfry of the 1832 Baptist Church in Still River.
The Harvard Public library had its first permanent home in the building on the Common, 1886
A September 2008 fire was confined to the attic of Sturdy Hall, causing some structural damage but mostly water damage.
Lee McColgan’s house restoration journey expertly examines our relationship to history through the homes we inhabit, beautifully articulating the philosophy of preserving the past for the future.
Robert C. Anderson in his “Directions of a Town” wrote: “The first task of the Shakers at Harvard in their growing years was the cultivation and improvement of the tracts of land they had acquired, probably the worst agricultural land in Harvard.”
The Harvard Historical Commission’s ‘Local Register of Historic Places‘ includes a detailed architectural description and the history of the property and of its owners.
The Historical Society’s purchase of an 1894 parlor stove assures its rightful home in Harvard.
Because of Margaret Bromfield Pearson Blanchard’s generosity, Harvard got a high school for the town, to educate girls as well as boys. Now the building is part of the Harvard Public Library.
The establishment of the Harvard University Oak Ridge Observatory placed the town of Harvard in the astronomical world, attracting visitors of high professional reputation from all over the world.
A history of five churches on one site, given in 1967 by Miss Elvira Scorgie
In 1966, the Harvard Historical Society purchased the former Still River Baptist Church. Until then, the Historical Society had been using the Hapgood Room and attic of the public library.
The Shaker Stone Barn was built in 1835. Located at 101 South Shaker Road, the barn is now a ruin, but some of its most significant and striking masonry features still remain.
In 2022, Bromfield senior Julian Iverson took current pictures of historical houses in Harvard, framing the pictures as close as possible to old photographs from HHS archives.
The Colonel’s “picturesque figure and strong individuality made him a notable feature of the town’s life.”
Warren Hapgood was born in the Old Mill district of Harvard. He was a major benefactor of the Harvard Public Library.