Adding posts

Recommended procedure to add a post, have it checked for layout and formatting, have it proofread and finally published.

Proofreading posts

In addition to entering review notes, proofreaders can make changes in most of the text. This help file explains how.

User levels

Registered users are assigned specific roles such as reviewer, proofreader, author,… , administrator. This defines what they are authorized to do on the website.


Frequently Asked Questions, How to…, Why this or that…

Useful shortcuts

Useful shortcuts such as Ctrl Z, Shift click, etc… Both for Mac and Windows.

Formatting Styles

Formatting help and tricks. Includes style examples: Title, Headline, Highlighted,…

Reviewing posts

How to find the posts that need to be reviewed, how to enter notes and update the review status…


Shows the options for a Content Section or Block with several examples.