Adding a help file

To add a new help file, duplicate the post Help – xxx (Template) or any other Help post.


No need to have the word Help in it! Keep it as short as possible, e.g.:

  • Reviewing posts
  • Author basics
  • Topics and features (NOT About topics and features)
  • Adding a template


Enter a description of what this help file is for.


The following categories are specifically for help files:

  • CAT-help: always check
  • CAT-H-General, CAT-H-Sections, CAT-H-Blocks and CAT-H-Admin:
    This will define in what category the help will be listed in the Help Overview.
    Note that some help files are shown in both the Section and the Blocks categories, e.g. Galleries
  • CAT-H1, CAT-H2, CAT-H3, CAT-H4, CAT-H5:
    This defines what user level(s) will see the help.
    E.g. if the help is only for level 4 (editor) and above, check CAT-H4 and CAT-H5.
    If checked, the help will appear in the dropdown menu of the Top Bar.
    E.g. for Help – Formatting Styles, CAT-HTB2, 3, 4 and 5 are checked as we want this help is frequently used and we want it to be accessible from the dropdown menu.

In addition, check CAT-Hide-in-reviewers review list

No other categories should be checked. Make sure you uncheck the following if you did a duplicate of the template.

  • CAT-hide-in-related, CAT-Template, CAT-T5: Uncheck all!

Topics and Featured

Do not check any Topics or Featured.

Search Exclude

Make sure it is checked as it will not automatically carry over from the template.


The slug contains a number that is used to define the order of the help files both in the Help Overview and the Top Bar dropdown. When making a new Help post, make sure to insert an number (xxxx) in the slug so the new help appears in the right place in the sequence.

Here is the current sequence: